Sunday, October 28, 2007

Thank you for the support

I just wanted to thank everyone for their emails, comments and support. My blog has had almost 100 hits in the first 48 hours! So far the blog has been dominated by sports stories, and mainly will be, but I have also been asked to hit some entertainment stories. I plan on writing episode summaries of popular tv shows.

The first such summary was about the show "Friday Night Lights." If you are not watching this show you should be, it has sports for the guys and teen drama for the girls, killer combo. ESPN's Bill Simmons has called FNL the greatest sports tv show ever, I'm willing to take his word for it. You may have missed the first season because NBC kept switching the night it was on. If you haven't seen it, rent the first season on DVD and catch up, start watching it this season (NBC gave FNL a death sentence time slot of Friday at 9pm) but that's what Tivo and DVR are for, honestly who watches live tv anymore? If you don't have a Tivo/DVR you can watch this season's episodes on

If their are other shows you would like to see summaries of let me know. Anyway keep the emails, comments, suggestions, questions, etc. coming, you can send me an email by clicking on the envelope below any of the posts.