This debate is discussed on Boston.com; http://www.boston.com/lifestyle/fashion/articles/2008/06/26/why_is_this_pink_hat_so_hated/
My reaction: Are you kidding me? Not only are Boston sports fans the most obnoxious and hypocritical fans I have ever encountered, but now they are dictating who within their own city can be a fan of their teams and who the "real" fans are. Please, all these Boston fans complain about how there are all these "new/bandwagon" fans now that their teams are winning, that these fans haven't suffered through the hard times. Ok, I can see that argument if you are over 40 but not if your in your 20's, but regardless who gives these "long suffering" fans the right to anoint true fandom? I don't hear the Red Sox, Patriots and after this season the Celtics complaining when they are selling out their games or selling merchandise in all colors of the rainbow, including pink. They are just happy that people are coming to the games because when the Patriots were 1-15, nobody wanted to be a fan, ask some old New Englanders who they root for in the NFL and they will tell you the Giants, because the Patriots were just too deplorable to watch. Just last year, you couldn't give away tickets to a Celtics game, but bring in Ray Allen and KG and the Celtics are everybody's team again. And the Red Sox, until they finally won in 2004, everyone moped around that they always blew it, wait til next year was always the expected slogan. But now that Boston has won some championships and fans can't play the "long suffering" card anymore, they need something else to complain about, and that's who the "real" fans are and who the "poseurs" are. I'll tell you what, we will find out who the "real" fans are when the Patriots only win 5 games, or the Celtics look like they did last year, or when you go to a Sox game in Sept like in 2006 and nobody is there. And I can hear the typical Boston fan yelling out impossible, the Boston teams will never lose again, and that is the very statement that proves my point of their delusion, arrogance and sense of self entitlement.