The episode begins with Tami getting ready to return to work at Dillon High, her sister is coming to visit the Taylor's. Coach Taylor gets his first paycheck which is dramatically less than what he expected and only 40% of what he was paid last year. Taylor goes to straighten out the situation with Buddy Garrity, who tells Taylor he is working on it. Riggans has been kicked off the team for his trip to Mexico with Street, he finds out when he shows up for practice and his locker is empty. A new student, who happens to be a good looking cheerleader introduces herself to Saracen in the hallway and tells him it will be an honor to cheer for him and the Panthers. Buddy shows up at practice, still working on coach Taylor's salary situation, with juvenile delinquent turned student, Santiago and says Taylor should put him on the team. They work him out and he shows strength and speed but can't seem to catch the ball. Landry's dad is told that fibers found on the body, Landry and Tyra dumped, matched the kind of station wagon that Landry drives. Landry's dad waits for him to come home that night and tells Landry its time to trust him, he tells Landry to follow him. They both drive off into the rain and Landry's dad, douses the car with gasoline and lights it up to destroy the evidence and protect Landry. Julie shows up at the fast food place that Saracen works at and she apologizes to him for what she did with "the Swede" and for hurting him and hopes they can still be friends. Taylor goes to see Street and asks him to return to coaching, that he needs him and Street accepts. Lyla asks Riggans to help Santiago learn some football fundamentals and Riggans tells her no. Smash invites Riggans over to dinner after a day of taking a beating at practice because the new fullback isn't a good blocker. Smash tells Riggans that he needs to do what he needs to do to get back on the team, that they both need football to be who they are in Dillon. In a attempt to fix Taylor's salary problem they offer him the Athletic Director job, but that still leaves him at less money then he was promised. Riggans and his brother go to see Tami, at her guidance counselor's office to help him catch up with his school work but more importantly in hopes of getting him back on the football team. Street's parents throw him his 19th birthday party, and everyone sits around watching old footage of Street as QB1 for the Dillon Panthers, after everyone leaves he donates his old game tapes to the football team and tells coach Taylor that he can't be a coach, that he needs time to find himself. As Julie and Tyra are leaving the party they see Saracen and the "new girl" making out in her car. Julie is obviously upset at what she sees, apparently she is unhappy now that the shoe is on the other foot. What is a teen drama without some hurt feelings? Besides I'm still sticking to my prediction, that Saracen and his Grandmother's nurse get together this season. Riggans is sitting on the bleachers drinking a beer, when he sees Santiago trying to hit the blocking sled, and not having much success. He first asks Santiago if he is trying to sleep with Lyla, Santiago says they are just friends. Riggans starts to give Santiago some pointers, and then they are joined by Smash and Saracen who go on to run some plays with Santiago at FB (Riggans' old position.) Coach Taylor walks by and tells the boys to keep up the good work, and invites Santiago to attend practice the next day. Riggans asks if this means he is back on the team? Taylor says, not even close, not even close.
Next week, has the women of Dillon looking for some attention, The Football team stripping at a school pep rally? and Santiago has a secret.