Lyla travels down to Mexico to meet up with Riggins and Street. Smash and Saracen are still fighting and coach Taylor doesn't know Riggins is in Mexico. Is the team happy that Taylor is back?
Julie and Saracen have an awkward conversation in the cafeteria. (After last week's disappointment with "the Swede" will Julie look to go back to Saracen?)
Landry gets coach Taylor's attention at practice and later Taylor will tell Landry he will play on Friday.
Tyra is freaking out over the conversation she had with the police last week about her attempted rapist's body. She is afraid that her and Landry may not be in the clear yet. Landry's father overhears some other officers discussing Tyra's questionable past and that she should be a person of interest in the death. Landry's dad has a conversation with Landry, asking him if Tyra has told him anything about the situation. Landry says she doesn't talk about it with him. Landry's dad can tell that Landry is lying to him and later asks Tyra not to see Landry anymore.
Lyla is mad at Riggins for asking her to come down to Mexico, without Street's knowledge and because all they have done while she was down there was party. Riggins asks her not to leave and tells her he plans to talk to Street about the surgery on a "Booze cruise." While on the cruise, which turns out to be the three of them and the guy driving the boat, Riggins and Lyla tell street they don't want him to have the surgery. Street says he would rather die then be stuck in this chair. Riggins lays on some major "man love" before Street hurls himself into the water. After the dramatic, I don't see him by Lyla and Riggins, Street emerges from the water and is seen swimming towards land. Street washes up on shore where Riggins and Lyla find him and Street tells them he won't have the surgery and says lets go back to Texas. On the way back to Texas the three stop at a bar, and Lyla kisses both Street and Riggins, so much for the teen religion group.
Coach Taylor has dinner with Smash and Saracen, to try and figure out their issue with each other. Saracen is mad at Smash and Taylor for both using the team for personal gain, a scholarship for Smash and the TMU job for Taylor. Smash says that Saracen is jealous of him. Saracen also makes a comment about Julie and "the Swede." Taylor asks both players to leave his house.
The next day, Julie asks Saracen to go to a concert with her, she says its not a date, but she misses spending time with him. Shortly after, Saracen has a conversation with Julie's mom at the fast food place he works at, about whether he should be hanging out with Julie. She tells him that trust is an important part of every relationship.
Friday Night, Taylor benches both Saracen and Smash as the game starts. They are replaced by QB Weston and RB Brooks. The Panthers fumble the ball away and Weston throws and INT that is returned for a TD. Smash and Saracen continue to bicker on the bench, like 2 old ladies. 13-0 at the half.
At halftime, Taylor asks for someone to speak up, Landry stands up and says that we are stronger together then alone. The 2nd half begins with a motivated Panter team, Smash and Saracen remain on the bench. Taylor sends Landry in to play TE, backup QB Weston throws another INT, Landry chases down the play, making a bone jarring hit to cause a fumble that is picked up by backup RB Brooks, who returns the fumble for a TD putting the panthers on the board.
Smash and Saracen "kiss and makeup" and ask coach Taylor to put them back in. With the Panthers down by 5 (13-8), the Panthers recover an onside kick that they return to the opposing 18 yard line, with 4 seconds remaining. Smash and Saracen go back in and the play called is a pass to Landry. Saracen drops back to pass and his pass to Landry is incomplete. The opposing team is on the field celebrating and in 2002 Miami/Ohio St. fashion, a late pass interference flag is thrown. The Panthers are given one more untimed play from the 2. Smash scores the winning TD, diving into the endzone for the 14-13 win.
The crowd is chanting Landry's name as the players leave the field. At the after party Tyra tells Landry that she can't see him anymore. She tells him, "but for" the dead body they would have never gotten together, she says look in the mirror, what was I thinking with you. Tyra is then seen crying in her car.
Saracen tells Julie that he can't go to the concert with her because he is pissed at her, she cheated on him with "the Swede" and when that was over came back to him without even saying she was sorry. She says she IS sorry, but Saracen says that may have worked a few weeks ago. Good for Matt Saracen, finally standing up for himself, and I'm calling it now something is going to happen with his Grandmother's home care nurse.
Next Week: Riggins may be kicked off the team, Lyla's juvenile delinquent friend joins the team and a DNA match for the dead body is found in Landry's car.
Remember to watch/Tivo/DVR Friday Night Lights on NBC, Friday @9pm